"I am very happy where my daughter is at. I have been telling everybody that has any problems with children, 'Dr Hogg works miracles.'"
- T.E.
"Naturopathic doctor's work differently than western medicine, Naturopathic Medicine is a whole new way of life, living, healing, and being well."
- C.L.
"Thank God for homeopathy! My results are a miracle!"
- N.P.
"When I saw my symptoms go away so quickly after taking the remedy, I thought it was a miracle. Instead, it was good medicine."
- P.F
"Thank you for the bodywork. Your hands are magic."
- A.B.
"After 30 years of having debilitating menstrual cramps, Dr. Hogg has alleviated them to where I can function in my everyday life."
- L.C.
That food is the best medicine is a cornerstone of naturopathic practice. Many medical conditions can be treated more effectively with foods and nutritional supplements than they can by other means, with fewer complications and side effects. Disease specific diet therapy is designed for your specific situation and may include checking Food Intolerance or Geno Type Diets.
The most natural way to cure your body of all diseases is getting your body back to what nature intended for you.
Homeopathic medicine is based on the principle of "like cures like." A homeopathic remedy will match your symptoms as close as possible. Many patients call the remedies, "magic pills."
Where single chemically-derived drugs may only address a single problem, botanical medicines are able to address a variety of problems simultaneously. Their organic nature makes botanicals compatible with the body's own chemistry; hence, they can be gently effective with virtually no side effects.
Hydrotherapies are traditional treatments that were used in ancient Greece, Rome, Japan, and the Americas. Therefore, hydrotherapy is one of the oldest and most powerful treatments that naturopathic doctors have available. Constitutional Hydrotherapy is peformed in office.
BEST was invented by a chiropractor who knew their must be a better way to correct out of place vertebrae than cracking joints with high force adjusting. BEST works with your own bodies nervous system and muscles to restore balance. It is a very soft and gentle hands-on non-force technique.
Jin Shin Jyutsu is a gentle art from ancient Japanese tradition, which promotes optimal health and well-being and facilitates our own profound healing capacity.
All conventional blood, urine, and stool tests are performed at local laboratories that can be covered by your insurance.
CardioION, ION, TRIAD, Women's Profile, Organix Comprehensive, GIFx, Complete Digestive Stool Analysis (CDSA), Microbiology, Food and/or Inhallant Allergy, Estronex, Adrenal Stress Profile
Advanced cholesterol testing and is covered by most insurances.
Nutrient & Toxic Elements, Comprehensive Stool Analysis, and more
Anonymous STD testing services. Call for pricing.